Programs that respect your privacy

Category: Privacy Browser Android

  • Recommend Site-Per-Process DevTools Flag

    After testing it for a while and finding no downsides besides a personally unnoticeable increase in RAM usage, I have decided to recommend that users enable the site-per-process WebView DevTools flag, which can increase security when malicious JavaScript compromises the rendering process. There are more details on the WebView DevTools page.

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  • New Merch Store

    Today we launched a new, self-hosted merch store. Previously we used a Teespring store (which never actually processed any orders). This is replaced by a locally-hosted WordPress instance running Woocommerce and connecting to a Printful catalog of products. There is an extensive post that describes which plugins are used and how they are configured for…

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  • Evil Browser Monetization Offers

    I think some people might find it interesting to see the types of evil monetization offers browser makers receive. I assume that as Privacy Browser increases in popularity I will receive more of these. I don’t intend to post them all, but I will probably post one example of each type. Previously, I posted about…

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  • Privacy Browser Android 3.13.2

    Privacy Browser Android 3.13.2 was released on 6 February 2023. It adds a Simplified Chinese translation provided by Xin. When I started working on Privacy Browser, my principle intention was to protect against mega corporations like Google and Facebook, who like to track all users across the web, even those who have never created accounts…

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  • Privacy Browser Android 3.13.1

    Privacy Browser 3.13.1 was released on 9 January 2023. It contains a fix for a bug that manifested when the app theme and the OS theme were set to be different. In Android’s Day/Night theme design, an app always starts with the same theme as the OS. If the app desires the opposite theme, it…

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  • 2022 Financial Report

    Revenue Total Revenue: $1,365.86 Google Play revenue comes from selling the standard flavor on Google Play. Stripe revenue comes from Liberapay donations. PayPal comes from Liberapay and from direct donations. Patreon revenue comes from Patreon donations. Amazon revenue comes from selling the standard flavor on the Amazon AppStore. I currently have .30703 mBTC (milliBitcoin) valued at $5.20 and .013943777 BCH (Bitcoin Cash) valued…

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  • 2022 Security and Privacy Canary

    BACKDOORS During 2022, Stoutner received 0 requests from governments, organizations, or individuals to insert backdoors into Privacy Browser Android, Privacy Browser PC, or Privacy Cell. During 2022, Stoutner inserted 0 backdoors into Privacy Browser Android, Privacy Browser PC, or Privacy Cell. PRIVACY During 2022, Stoutner received 0 secret requests from governments, organizations, or individuals to…

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  • Privacy Browser Android 3.13

    Privacy Browser 3.13 was released on 30 December 2022. It fixes a crash caused by Privacy Browser sometimes trying to calculate the scroll position when the WebView doesn’t exist. There is no way I can think of that should cause this to happen, but crash logs indicate it does (gotta love Android). It also fixes…

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  • User Agent Problems

    User agents are strings that the browser sends in the header of every HTTP request that identifies itself, like Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 13; Pixel 5 Build/TP1A.221105.002; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/108.0.5359.128 Mobile Safari/537.36. They tend to be quite long because they contain a brief history of the internet, but serve no real purpose…

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  • Spammers Have No Shame

    I just received the following email with the subject line of “Programs that respect your privacy”. Soren –  Seemingly not talked about enough, it’s amazing how much of our information is out there controlling us. I noticed that you currently aren’t showing ads on stoutner. I was wondering if this is a conscious decision or…

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