Programs that respect your privacy

Author: Soren Stoutner

  • Privacy Browser 3.12.1

    Privacy Browser 3.12.1 is an emergency release to fix a crash. The transition to SwitchPreferenceCompat in Privacy Browser 3.12 was incomplete. Specifically, it was not possible for the new SwitchPreferenceCompat to set default values. As no new preferences (settings) were added in 3.12, this did not cause any problems for upgrades from 3.11. But it…

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  • Privacy Browser 3.12

    Privacy Browser 3.12 has been released. This adds a link to WebView DevTools in the navigation menu. There is an entire post about WebView DevTools. I won’t repeat most of it here except to say that changes made in WebView DevTools affects all WebViews on a device, not just those inside Privacy Browser. Currently the…

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  • Why I Insist People Use the Forums and Issue Trackers

    From time to time I come across people who are frustrated when I insist that they use the forums and the issue trackers to communicate with me regarding the project. Instead of having to explain my reasoning over and over again, I thought it would be valuable to post it here. When I first started…

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  • The X-Requested-With Header

    Information in this post regarding workarounds and long-term solutions has been superseded in Privacy Browser 3.12 by access to WebView’s DevTools. I leave the original post for historical reasons and because it might be of interest to some readers. As mentioned is several places on this website and in the app, there are some negative…

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  • 2021 Financial Report

    Revenue Bitcoin: $2,340.12 Google Play: $546.85 Stripe: $209.32 PayPal: $121.29 Google AdMob: $101.16 Patreon: $73.28 Amazon: $10.30 Total revenue: $3,402.32 Bitcoin revenue comes from Bitcoin donations. Google Play revenue comes from selling the standard flavor on Google Play. Stripe revenue comes from Liberapay donations. PayPal comes from Liberapay and from direct donations. Google AdMob revenue…

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  • Privacy Cell 1.8.1

    Privacy Cell 1.8.1 has been released. A bug was fixed that caused notifications to be re-enabled when the network changed. The dialog boxes now use a dual-toned violet text color in the Night theme. In the Day theme the headers are darker (further away from the background color). In the Night theme the headers are…

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  • Privacy Browser 3.11

    Privacy Browser 3.11 has been released. There are now options to enable the default X-Requested-With header behavior. There is an entire blog post written about the X-Requested-With header, but as a summary Android’s WebView automatically sends the app ID as the value of the X-Requested-With header with each request, which in the case of Privacy…

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  • Privacy Cell 1.8

    Privacy Cell now includes the status of the voice network when determining the overall security of the cell network. The overall network security level is set to be lowest of either the data or the voice network. Previously, it was set just on the status of the data network. With this change, both the voice…

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  • Mojeek Blog Post

    Mojeek recently wrote a blog post about Privacy Browser Android. I thought it would be interesting to share some thoughts both about Mojeek and about how that post came to be published. I have joked before that selecting a default search engine in Privacy Browser is like trying to find a good Defense Against the…

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  • WordPress Twenty Twenty-Two Theme

    The website has been updated to the recently released Twenty Twenty-Two theme. By default it wanted to use JavaScript to open and close the navigation menu, like in the past, but because this theme is more configurable that any of the previous official WordPress themes, it allowed me to redesign the site so that it…

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